Sunday 6 February 2011


The opening of Se7en creates and sense of mystery and tension. The audience isn't aware of who the character is because of the use of extreme close-ups. The editing distorts the images to give the idea of being inside a psychopath's head . The music also aids the images to create discomfort.

  • quick cuts in the sequence allowing it to show many different items , this makes it difficult for the audience to take in everything at once which adds to the discomfort.
  • There are flashed to what looks like images which are related to what the character is doing.
  • Close-ups are used to exaggerate the characters action and make the audience well aware of the action of the character.
  • we aren't aware fully if what the character is doing as the camera flashed between different 'activities'.
  • there seems to be images laid on top of each other which makes it difficult to tell which image is real.
  • The lighting is used to create shadow which gives the idea of a hidden.
  • Flashes of red makes the audience feel more uncomfortable as it signify blood.
  • The fingers gives the audience an idea that the main character is cruel and horrid.
  • Sound is distorted and it gives the impression of someone screaming.
  • The music develops as the sequence ends.
  • We hear a voice at the end of the sequences however it is difficult to understand what it is saying.

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