Monday 21 March 2011

Rashida Dixon-Question 7

7.Looking back at your preliminary task. what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When we did the preliminary task it was very difficult for us to use the equipment properly and editing clips was confusing at first as none of us had used iMovie before. We did learn that inter-cutting between scenes helps to speed up the action without having to use jump cuts.

In the preliminary task we used shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 rule. Practicing this was important as we incorporated match on action and the 180 rule in our final product. we did not used shot reverse shot because it wasn't needed as our characters did not have a conversation. The 180 rule was very important when we were switching from POV shot. we even used this rule in our final product, i think we done this successfully

We also used a range of different shot which we didn't use in our preliminary such as close-ups and point of view shots. In our preliminary we didn’t use tracking shots; we found it difficult to follow a moving object so to solve that problem we decided to use the tracking shot to introduce the setting that the characters were in. In our preliminary we used the tripod to create steady shots however this wasn’t always the effect that we were looking for in our final product so we incorporated a hand held shot.

We found that the sound quality was very good in our preliminary. This help to aid our decision to not used diegetic sound throughout our media product. When we first edited the preliminary we weren’t aware you could manipulate the volume of the sound however in our final product we took advantage of this. Editing was easier and we incorporated different transition such as dissolves into our final product to help make the transition between shot more interesting and to link the shot which seem to have no relation.

Annotated video

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